Most signs of skin aging are caused by cellular damage based dermatologists. Free radicals are the things that are harmful to skin cells. Since the radical molecules are also the most famous, let's take a look at them first.
Free radicals are naturally present in skin cells, but obviously are not harmful. They perform a number of features needed in the cell membrane. Killing the tiniest of bacteria is one of the functions they perform.
They become pests when exposed to certain toxic substances such as cigarette smoke, and when exposed to UV radiation from the Sun
The anti-smoking campaigns have recently focused on smoking as a cause of wrinkles. The researchers speculate that the association between smoking and wrinkles caused by the activity of free radicals.
Sun exposure
Exposure to sunlight has long been accused of aging skin, but this is only partially true. Cellular damage due to sun exposure is caused by overproduction and an increased activity of free radicals.
Another cause of cell damage is a chronic inflammatory disease. The inflammation can also damage and break down the collagen fibers of the skin. When these fibers are damaged and broken, the outer layers of the skin begins to sag. They lose their elasticity. Sag and lose elasticity is one of the visible signs of aging.
The causes of chronic inflammation include the use of skin irritants, poor nutrition, poor nutrition and generally poor health. Acute inflammation is a necessary function of the immune system. If the short term, it is not considered harmful.
Toxins in the air, our clothes, our water and environment in general can damage cells directly or by stimulation of free radicals. They can also contribute to chronic infection.
The body's immune system is not equipped to deal with the synthetic chemical toxins in the current environment. The immune system sees the toxins that pathogens. Pathogens are viruses, bacteria and parasites.
The immune system can produce more free radicals and transmitted to the skin cells via the lymphatic system, to try to fight bacteria collected. But since none of the bacteria are actually present, the molecules of radicals have nothing to do.
Radicals are highly reactive molecules, especially if they have nothing to do. It takes very little to arouse them. When they are excited, they try to connect an electron. The extra electron would convert fabrics inept.
They can be electrons from cell membranes, collagen fibers or strands of DNA. That is how they are responsible for skin aging. And by damaging DNA mutation, they also play a role in cancer.
Free radicals damage cells contributes to inflammation and inflammation can contribute to the production of the radical molecules. So it's something of a vicious circle.
This molecular activity is actually due to age itself. It affects the whole body. This is not the only cause of skin aging, dermatologists, but that is the main cause.
You'll be glad to know that the harmful activity can be minimized. Teach you in my next article.
Now all you need to know is how to solve the problem and prevent it from returning. The next article will discuss how to treat the damage in skin cells, see the link for the article in the box below the corresponding author. The solution is simple to do.
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